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Breakfast date with Mira, green “smoothie” and avo/egg toast!

God morgon! Det var precis vad jag hade, en riktigt god. :-) Jag gick hem till Mira tidigt imorse, köpte med mig lite färskt bröd och sen åt vi en mysig frulle ihop. Jag åker ju imorgon så ville träffa henne innan jul och allt. Mira gjorde en smoothie, som totalt failade haha! Har nog aldrig sett henne faila när det kommer till mat innan men vi hade inte så många ingredienser så den blev typ odrickbar… Tur att hon gjorde så goda mackor iallafall. ;-) Hett tips, macka, mosad avokado, ägg, fetaost och kryddor! Får inte nog. Efter våran gröna frulle åkte jag hem igen och har precis tagit en prommis med min fina syster och lilltjejen. Snart kommer Jon hit också, så den här dagen har verkligen startat bra! Hoppas ni får en fin dag och snälla ni, prova laga en sån här macka. Ni kommer inte ångra er! ;-) PUSS! <3

//Good morning! That was exactly what I had, a really good one. :-) I walked home to Mira early this morning, bought some freshly baked bread and then we had a cozy breakfast together. I’m leaving tomorrow so I wanted to see her before christmas and all. Mira made a smoothie, that totally failed haha! Don’t think I’ve ever seen her fail when it comes to food before but we didn’t have a lot of ingredients so this one turned out un drinkable… Luckily she made tasty sandwiches at least. ;-) Great tip, bread, mashed avocado, egg, feta cheese and spices! Can’t get enough. After our green breakfast I went back home and just got back from a walk with my sister and little girl. Jon will arrive soon too, so this day started really good! Hope you guys will have a great day and please, try this sandwich. You won’t regret it! ;-) HUGS! <3

10 reaktioner på “GREEN BREAKFAST DATE”

  • Aleks says:

    Åh! Kan du fråga henne var hon har köpt den fina salt/peppar-hållaren? ?

  • Vilken smarrig frukos, härlig mugg och sjukt fina ljusstakar! :D

  • antonia says:

    i LOVE avocado-egg sandwiches. do you remember that i actually have been telling you that you need to try it? probably not…. but i have always seen you eating avocado toasts when you was in NY and i said you should try it with an egg on top. you said that it sounds interesting but you will try it…and here you are…loving it :) <3

    • janni says:

      Hahaha, I actually remember… And I am obsessed at the moment. Eat at least one every day. So thanks for that obsession! ;-) You should try it with feta cheese on top, oh my it’s delicious! <3

  • Dina says:

    Janni I love your Sweater!! Where did you get it from? :) Merry Christmas to you and your family! <3

    • janni says:

      It’s super old, don’t remember the webshop to be honest but I bought it like 1,5 years ago… :-/ Hugs and merry christmas to you too sweetie! <3

  • Anna says:

    Verkligen godaste mackorna ??

  • CJ says:

    Janni I have to agree with Dina, i too love that sweater and wish i knew where I could find it :)
    Merry Christmas to you and Jon and all the best for the new year :)

    • janni says:

      It’s super old and the website doesn’t exist any more… Tried to find it but I couldn’t :( Merry Christmas to you too sweetie!! <3

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