Stockholm with my bestie Mira <3

God morgon hjärtan! Jag glömde helt bort att blogga, skulle precis sätta mig och spela in en video (som kommer upp imorgon!), så tänkte jag “vad bloggade jag imorse”, så kom jag på att jag inte hade gjort det haha! Händer typ aldrig. Anyway, här är lite bilder från min söndag i Stockholm. Jag hängde med Mira hela dagen och hade en supermysig dag. Jag älskar att resa världen över men det jag saknar mest är att umgås med mina vänner, även om jag får göra det ibland. Därför uppskattar jag varenda minut jag får, speciellt när det innehåller god mat, fika och sol. :-) Vi åt som sagt frukost/brunch hemma hos Mira, gick en promenad i solen och satte oss på Broms och tog en kaffe. Mysdag! Nu ska jag spela in en video, sen ska jag iväg till min bank och sen förbi polisen. Fortsätter med att bocka av “måsten” dom här dagarna. Hörs sen, PUSS <3

//Good morning loves! I totally forgot to blog, I was just about to sit down to film a video (will be up tomorrow!), and then I thought “what did I blog this morning”, and realized I didn’t haha! Almost never happens. Anyway, here are some pics from my sunday in Stockholm. I hung out with Mira all day and had such a nice day. I love to travel the world but the thing I miss the most is spending time with my friends, even if I get to do it sometimes. That’s why I appreciate every second of it, especially when it means good food and sun. :-) We had breakfast/brunch at Mira’s place as I mentioned, went for a walk in the sun and sat down at Broms for coffee. Amazing day! Now I’m gonna film a video, then head over to my bank and then to the police. Continuing on checking off “must do’s” these days. Talk later, HUGS <3

14 reaktioner på “STOCKHOLM MOMENTS”

  • Erika says:

    Hej Janni!
    Jag älskar Karl signature väskan som du har, tänkte fråga dig hur du tycker den är både kvalitetsmässigt och ifall den är praktisk? Jag har inte sett den i en fysisk butik än men funderar på att beställa den, men vill gärna veta vad du tycker om den! Vet du hur stor skillnad det är mellan den du har och den som är utan gulddetaljen? :) Är ute efter liten handväska som samtidigt har en snygg färg och den ser så jäkla snygg ut på bilderna!


  • Liena Snow says:

    Great photos, lovely to see you enjoyed your time in Sweden!
    Looking forward to the new video!
    Have an amazing day, much love xx

  • Egle says:

    Hey, Janni

    I watched Jon’s blog yesterday I’ve noticed the lovely boots you were wearing, when you entered the apartment in Monaco. Could you please tell me the name of the brand? Thank you

  • Selin says:

    Amazing photos and a great outfit.
    I´m in love with your bag!

  • Maria says:

    Hi! Would love to see a vlog were you explain your jewellery you were daily or like to wear a lot. Love your bracelets and rings. Would love to know where they are from and if they have a story :-)

  • Adele says:

    Hej Janni,

    I love you, your blog, your style and your clothes – but I would like to know what do you think about sustainable consumption? You get a lot of things for free as a gift and also shop a lot so when shopping do you think about sustainability or the environment or the circumstances where the clothes are manufactured? If you do, you could have an effect on many people’s preferences, shopping habits and raise awareness on these issues! You could make a big difference!

    I study business in university and today we watched a documentary of manufactures where the clothes that for example H&M, GAP etc. sell are made in.. It was horrible! People work over 20 hours per day in shitty conditions and get 1 to 4 pounds a day. They are locked in the factory and there’ve been many accidents where the factory has burnt and all workers dead. I am going to boycott H&M and others that sell cheap clothes made in Bangladesh etc. I would like to hear your thoughts or at least that you are aware of these issues.

    Hälsningar <3

    • Ellie says:

      OMG!!! That’s what I’m wondering about all the time too!!!
      Because I feel so so bad when I walk into an H&M store!!!
      Thanks for asking, Adele!<3

      • Adele says:

        Hi Ellie, so nice to hear that there are other people wondering the same things! Hopefully we get an answer to this or a vblog even!! That would be super!:)
        In addition to shopping, there’s also traveling and other dimensions to sustainable consumption.

    • janni says:

      I think about it a lot. I try my best to do better in other parts, the environment is the biggest reason I became a vegetarian. I try to find a good balance, still haven’t found it yet when it comes to chlothes but I will figure out a plan for it soon! Xx

  • Julia says:

    Hvor er øredobbene dine fra (stjernene) ? super fine !!!


  • Such lovely photos! Stockholm is definitely on of my favorite cities :)

  • Sriwanna says:

    Fina pics som vanligt Janni <3 tråkig fråga men vilken av dina Nikon använder du är – är sugen på att köpa en ny nämligen – känns som om du använder en mindre variant här? Kan ha fel :P


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