SheOhShe necklaces/ Old jacket (similar here!)/ Gina Tricot top (here!) and bag (here!)/ Boob Design shorts/ Converse shoes (here!)  – contains adlinks

Back to basics och back to work idag! SKÖNT! Det har varit en lång “sommar-break” utan att det har varit en hel break, vi har tagit det lugnt med jobb och fokuserat på mående och bebis. <3 Som ni säkert har märkt. Jon har som ni vet varit utbränd så vi har försökt få honom att må bättre och hitta nya sätt att leva livet lite bättre. Idag gick vi till Starbucks och satte oss och jobbade i några timmar, en stor sak för oss är att vi oftast jobbar hemma och det är något vi vill ändra på. Man måste få dela på hemma och kontor annars är hjärnan inställd på jobb jämt. Det är inte hälsosamt i längden tror jag! Nu vill jag vill fota massor, jag vill blogga två gånger om dagen som jag brukade, jag vill posta massor på IG och även på Youtube. Höstpeppen är total, haha! ;-) Jag vet att det kommer bli som det blir när bebis kommer men det är två månader tills dess. Här ovan har ni dagens outfit, väldigt basic och väldigt skön. Jag har levt i dessa shorts senaste tiden, tycker det är så skönt med mjukt tyg över lilla maggen. <3 Skaffade mig ett par Converse också, brukade ha typ 6 par och levde i såna när jag var yngre. Älskar. Vem är pepp på höst?? Även om det är sommar här fortfarande och jackan var alldeles för varm… PUSS <3

//Back to basics and back to work today! NICE! It’s been a long “summer break” without it being a full on break, we’ve been taking it easy with work and focused on well being and baby. <3 As you’ve probably noticed. Jon has been burnt out as you know so we’ve worked on getting him to feel better and finding new ways to live life a bit better. Today we went to Starbucks and sat there to work for a few hours, a big thing for us is that we usually work at home and that’s something we want to change. You have to separate home and office otherwise your brain is set on work all the time. It’s not healthy in the long run I think! Now I want to take lots of photos, I want to blog twice a day as I used to, I want to post a lot on IG and also on Youtube. The fall stoke is maxed out, haha! ;-) I know it will be as it will be when baby is coming but it is two months until then. Above is today’s outfit, a very basic and very comfy one. I’ve been living in these shorts lately, I think it’s so comfy with a soft fabric over the the little belly. <3 I got myself a pair of Converse too, I used to have like 6 pairs and lived in those when I was younger. Love. Who’s excited for fall?? Even if it’s summer here still and this jacket was way too warm… HUGS <3

20 reaktioner på “BACK TO BASICS”

  • Where is the baby? You don’t look pregnant in that outfit!
    How is Jon’s bite? I don’t think you should leave Monaco until he feels like his old self🌞

  • stella says:

    Hi Janni 😁 I just want to know how to feel confident wearing no bra, I have also big boobs and everytime I go somewhere braless, people stare at me and this is not nice… I just want to feel comfortable sometimes 😓
    Love u 🥰

    • Lisa says:

      Try nipple covers! :) I’ve bought mine from H&M for like 5€ and they’re reusable. I always use them if I’m wearing an outfit that does not go with the bra and feel very comfortable.

    • Helena says:

      If they are natural it is way harder to be without a bra than if you have implants! The bounciness in natural big boobs just draws eyes there, they just move and it is impossible to not look…

  • Mili Troncone says:

    Janni!! So happy you are motivated again and out of the stomach flu!

    Hope you have a nice rest of the day!

  • Hyyperlic says:

    Are you using a new camera? there is more “RAW grain” than usual !?

    All the best to Jon!

  • Lisa says:

    Have you thought about renting an office space? Although it has been hard to do before since you’ve traveled constantly but perhaps when the baby arrives you spend more time in Marbella and get an office space there?

    • janni says:

      Yes we’ve been thinking about it, but since we’ve been to different places all the time it hasn’t felt worth it. When we settle down more and when our baby is a bit older I want to do that for sure! :-) Xx

  • Alexandra says:

    Lisa 6th September 2019, 8:15 am
    If they live in Marbella for longer periods, they should make one of their rooms to an office room, or build a s.c. Swedish “friggebo” in their garden and make it their new office.Janni’s father have contacts, otherwise, for them to find some small office place in Marbella, but it is so much easier to have a special room near or within their own house/castle, when you have children.

  • Love the outfit! <3
    Love, Sandra /

  • Sonia says:

    You dont look pregnant at all! Neither on previous pics, this is so weird! But wish you the best :) Also, it would be nice to get more pregnancy and baby related contents (eg. You could talk more about your pregnancy on YouTube Videos).. Do you have a birth plan? Are you afraid? Name ideas? Hows the Babys room? Are you excited?


    • janni says:

      Now I really look pregnant though, it happened over night haha! I’m SUPER excited, and we’re gonna start preparing everything now and then I will make more posts about it! :-) Xx

  • Mireia says:

    Sch a cool and comfy look!

    Mireia from TGL

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