
The last night of Gumball 3000 in Ibiza, had a great time!

Hittade några bilder från sista kvällen efter Gumball, svårt att förstå att det bara var två veckor sen! Vi åt middag på Destino och firade att vi var klara sen fortsatte kvällen på Pacha. Så häftig klubb! Det var kul att festa till det efter hela resan med gänget, man blir ju rätt tighta efter den karusellen… ;-) Nu har jag helt tappat suget av att dricka, brukar ju vara tvärtom när det blir sommar. Tänkte skriva ett inlägg om hur jag ser på det, har fått många frågor om hur man tackar nej till alkohol utan att bli påhoppad. Ha en härlig kväll fina ni, PUSS! <3

//Found some pictures from our last night of Gumball, hard to get that this was only two weeks ago! We had dinner at Destino and celebrated that we made it and then we continued the night at Pacha. Crazy cool club! It was fun to party after that whole trip with the gang, we got pretty tight after the whole event… ;-) Now I totally lost interest in having alcohol, usually it’s the other way when it’s summer. Thought about writing a post about how I think about it, have gotten a lot of questions about how to say no to alcohol without getting tons of questions about it. Have a great night sweethearts, HUGS! <3

1 reaktion på “PARTY ISLAND”

  • emmasmithdcas says:

    hank you so much for this. I was in to this issue and tired to tinker around to check if its possible but couldnt get it done. Now that i have seen the way you did it, thanks guys

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